One long string of random thoughts...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's official. I have it.

Wedding Dementia. The dreaded diagnosis I hoped to avoid has finally reared its ugly head. Thankfully the damage is totally reversable given a nice long honeymoon. But for now, it looks to get worse before it gets better. I thought you might enjoy a list of the last 10 things I did because of my wedding dementia:

1. Bought a new wallet. (Ok, it was really cute and I did need it but still.)
2. Forgot what day it was. DAY, not date mind you.
3. Called my mom and forgot why.
4. Forgot all about one of my patients who has been coming to see me for months.
5. Became hysterical when Hayley refused to call the police about a "suspicious person" she saw outside.
6. Forgot to take the trash to the curb on trash day.
7. Put the wrong stamps on an international letter and promptly became hysterical about it.
8. Had a panic attack that I forgot to send an invite to a long-lost friend. It had been mailed with the rest of them.
9. Wore full bridal hair and makeup to the gym because I forgot I had it on.
10. Was on the verge of tears because I couldn't find my hot glue gun.

I never thought this could happen to me. I guess its just part of the rite of passage, you can't have the fun without the forgetfulness.


Unknown said...

My favorite is the bridal hair and makeup to the gym. Did you feel retarded?

Unknown said...


lisa c. said...

I wish I would have been at the gym that day...and not have contributed to the hot glue gun fiasco:( sorry...

Megan said...

Hmm, sorry -- it doesn't end after the honeymoon -- I think it continues until all of those blasted thank you notes have been sent off! Maybe you'll be more successful in convincing Bryan to help writing them than I was with Torrey?

Unknown said...

Just wait for pregnancy brain. its like wedding brain, only MUCH MUCH worse. You will go to the gym thinking you fit in spandex when you DONT. You will forget the last time you washed your hair and makeup off. You will simultaneously love and hate your mother and everyone else in your life - and forget why. The glue gun will seem like a perfectly wonderful idea and then after you have bought all the crafty goods for your nursery project you will change your mind completely, decide you hate martha stewart AND glue guns, and throw it away in the trash...only to wake up the next morning excited to get started on your crafts that you FORGOT you hated and threw away. Brian will be in awe of you. And miss the demented wonderful girl he married in the first place! HAHA I CANT WAIT!!!!

Matthew Gardner said...

hot glue guns do it to me every time. many tears have been shed over the glue gun.

Elmer Family said...

LOL this was a great list. Wait until you get pregnant-it's the same but worse!