To begin this post I would like to quote from my favorite British heroine, Georgia Nicolson of Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging fame (calm down, its young adult lit)--
"If a boy says 'See you later,' it might mean 'Leave me alone, it was great while it lasted but I am not ready for anything more serious,' or it might mean 'See you later.'"
There are a few mysteries of male behavior I have recently noted. Maybe some qualified and loyal readers of my blog can enlighten us all on the following inexplicable habits:
1)Packing away dirty laundry when moving--it smells 10 times worse when you get there
2)Rubbing their sweat on other humans as a joke
3)Wearing black tube socks with sneakers
I will here explore the research on fighting. It is a male habit that I truly do not understand. I know that you all believe that it is gallant and all, especially if you are fighting in my behalf. I assure you it is not. And I am not the only one who thinks this. Seeing men fight gives me that awkward feeling in my stomach like I just want to hide my eyes and run away. Let's see what the world wide web has to teach us on the subject:
At the Answer Bank website, a highly educated blogger wrote: "Like many things in life I think man (as a species) is much more an animal than we believe. Many things we do in life are deeply routed in our minds and fighting is one of those things. Back when man had to 'fight' for every last scrape of food he needed to be able to defend himself and his tribe/group. At times we go back to these old habits..."
A REAL article from the The Sydney Morning Herald by Michael Flood informs us that male on male violence is the most common form of public violence. But there's good news for those of us who can't stand the fighting..."As long as a culture of aggression and male honour persists, violence will continue to happen, and men (and women) will be injured and killed. Violence experienced by women has received widespread public attention, and rightly so. But the routine violence between men is rarely the subject of public debate. The good news is that traditional definitions of manhood, based on bravado and aggression, seem to be declining. With the rise of “sensitive new age guys”, involved fathers and even “metrosexuals”, we’re seeing a shift to a more peaceful and respectful male role. But too many men are still caught up in the fiction that you have to be “10 feet tall and bulletproof” to be a real man." Thank goodness for metrosexuals is all I have to say...Changing the world one stylist at a time.
And for those of you out there who feel like you don't fight well enough (because obviously, based on this blog, girls love it), you can order several instructional tapes on how to fight at
okay... just because a man has style, charm, and is concerned with parenting and world peace does NOT mean this classy man is metrosexual... who even made up that stupid word... metrosexual is just a timid gay guy. puhlease!
and by the way... fighting is pretty lame if you ask me, unless you're in war.
more comments later
I have a problem with males who flaunt bodily functions involving foul smells and loud noises. Do you have any comment on those concerns?
I do not condone black tube socks with sneakers or with sandles. That's just not right.
Instigating a fight is only appropriate during a hockey game when your team is winning or losing by more than two goals. I wish we had a hockey team . . .
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