One long string of random thoughts...

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Q: Is everyone wearing all white to the wedding...?

And other such tales of adventure (see below for the answer). Don't worry, no wedding here...Just an infamous quote of nonsense. Believe me, it makes as much sense to you as it did to me.

This has been the week of the Torrey Pines, as I am now calling it. I was there 3 times this week. Props to all who accompanied me on the adventures, each one was different and special. Checking out the sunset, hiking, or running, it is a spectacular little place. Not to mention that it is named after the rare Torrey Pine tree, native to coastal Southern California. I do think 3 times in one week is some kind of record though, maybe I'll ask Guiness what they can do for me.

San Diego has officially been invaded by tourists. Sayonara easygoing days at the beach and simple bonfires. Last night we had to bring our own pit to the beach because there was some sort of convention going on there (not really but it looked like it). I'm glad that every other person on the planet enjoys my city as much as I do, but I'm also glad they only come for 3 months out of the year. Sea World on Memorial Day weekend (I know what you are thinking, "no you DIDN'T!!!") is enough to make anyone a hermit until September.

Also, tonight I saw a presentation about the Dead Sea Scrolls. It was very interesting and enlightening but I came out of there with one very burning random question (those of you who know me well will not be surprised): HOW IN THE WORLD DO THEY UNROLL THOSE THINGS? Once I tried to unroll a piece of art I did in kindergarten and it practically fell apart. And that certainly was not stored in a ceramic jar for thousands of years. Can't wait to see them live and in living color.

I think I am out of random topics right now. Coming soon, an entire post devoted to the art of sushi in a plush booth...Stay tuned.

(A: Only if you are getting married on a Puff Daddy video)


Jerald said...

wow, I guess I was just too early to get the latest edition of the blog last night. I should have tried again when I went to be at 1am. Now I look forward to whatever crazy thing is going through your mind on a Sunday evening. Didn't hear about any falls this week, so Sunday must have been a booming success. Maybe you can have a second career in Kitty Kamp Kounseling, hahaha Mom

lisa c. said...

Well, if you are wondering how they unroll those scrolls, you can come ask your friendly, neighborhood archivist...I'll have to look it up, or ask around my incredibly talented preservation comrades.