One long string of random thoughts...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What a WILD fire...

Yesterday we had the opportunity to go up to Ramona and help out with clean-up efforts for fire victims. Hundreds of people met at the Church building up there and were given assignments (as well as yellow shirts) to go out to specific homes in the area and do whatever was needed. We had the job of cleaning up a burned down 4-car garage and shed. I was saddened as I scooped up burned Christmas ornaments, children's toys, and homemade art projects. But as I stood there amongst the rubble the woman that lived there came out. I said to her, "It looks like you had a lot of valuable stuff in here. I'm so sorry." And she turned to me and without hesitation said, "Yeah, but its just stuff." What an amazing spirit of resilience and priorities these people have. And she's right, everything is just "stuff." How grateful you become in times like these to have family and friends safe and sound.

On a lighter note, what a great project. Those of us who had never imagined ourselves construction workers took down walls, moved metal frames, and got to wear SAFETY GOGGLES! Watching Jeremy try to engineer a 700 lb pile of melted shingles onto a burned dolly with no tires had to be one of the most hilarious moments of my day. The best part was when he started directing everyone to place it based on the angle it would take to get it into the dumpster. Only an engineer, and believe me we had plenty of them yesterday. Bryan worked hard at getting as dirty as possible and I basically got some sort of ash spa treatment on my entire body. We loved it.

A random tibit...I have recently realized that I HATE doing my hair. Everytime I get out of the shower I let my hair air dry as long as I possibly can and then when it is time to finish it (e.g. use this lovely tool the blowdryer) I get all annoyed. I put it off as long as possible and then I'm bitter at my hair the whole time I'm doing it. What is THAT? Do I need counseling? I have the lowest maintenance haircut I could possibly talk the stylist into and it is still too much work...


Unknown said...

You kill me. I think youre hair is great. But the girls at work who have wild brillo pad black hair perm it straight. I bet I could get some of their supplies and doctor your 'do' up nice and right! cmon, dont you trust me??? And if it all falls out, well you can pull a britney and get some nappy extensions. at least we could blog the experience and entertain all your friends :) And Im sure brian would LOVE it!

Jerald said...

Hey, you could be me and washing it in the sink and happy to have it clean. Nothing makes you so happy as having clean hair no matter what it looks like.


Megan said...

No, nothing is wrong with you. I stopped doing my hair years ago. That's why you let it grow out a bit, and put it up in a bun every day of your existance. It works for me perfectly and I'm even still married! :)